Monday, March 9, 2009

Sold it

Today I went searching for old product photography on my computer. I have several pieces of jewelery that is not currently on my Etsy site that I want to add. For many of those pieces I have photography - somewhere! My husband helped me find it today and I was going through it.

You know what I learned? I have actually sold a lot of my stuff! It was kind of fun to go back through the old photos and say, "Sold that, sold that, don't have that anymore, sold that." I forget how much I have actually sold when I always have a full chest of stuff. That's because I'm constantly creating. It was fun to go back through some of the my old favorites and get inspired by my past portfolio. I may just have to remake a few of them because I loved them so much!

I guess this is a lesson that I need to be more organized about keeping track of what product I have, and what I have sold.

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